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  Reasonbanks News



1 July 2024

     Reasonbanks Summer Sale!

You can save 40% on all our refills in July!



28 March 2024

     RAMA has been updated to v1.2.1!

What's new:

• improved Gate/Note CV outputs in Arp/Seq play modes

-the Gate/Note CV outputs now also work in Poly / Mono / Chord modes. Gate / Note CVs are processed according to the given play mode (e.g. mono, chord, hold, etc).

• new CV outputs: Mod Wheel, Aftertouch, Pitch Bend.

• new function in chord mode: Strum. It adds a strumming effect to the first played key. Use the Xfade knob to set the delay between the notes of the chord.

• new samples from Roland D-50: Calliope, Chatedral, Fantasia, Pizzagogo, PWM Sweep, Saw Sweep

• new patches


8 December 2023

     Rendezvous with RAMA!

We are truly proud to present: RAMA




10 May 2022

     G2AVITY has arrived!

G2AVITY is a synth library in ReFill format, based on the sounds of the legendary Nord Modular G2X synth from Clavia. Read more...


12 July 2021

      New RE synth: Maia Matrix Edition!

The final part of the Maia trilogy has arrived! Maia Matrix Edition features analogue sounds from the Oberheim Matrix synthesizers...


12 April 2021

      Maia V2 has been released

The new version of our favourite RE Synth has arrived! Lots of new features, this instrument is the result of 3 years of work.


16 April 2020

      Maia and Luna 1.7

It's time to update now... MAIA & LUNA 1.7 have been released!

What's new?

• new ergonomic & colorized Step Sequencer LCD panel (from Maia OE)

• editor tools for the Step Sequencer

These updates are free.


26 March 2020

      Maia Orange Edition is out!

Yes, our DreamSynth has arrived! We hope you will love it as much as we do - this instrument is the result of many years of work.


12 July 2019

      LUNA 1.5 is out

We are happy to announce the new version of LUNA!

What's new:

• Oscillator tables

• Dual Step Sequencer from Maia

• revised and enlarged factory patch bank

• minor bug fixes and improvements

Luna 1.5 is a free update.


28 June 2019

      MAIA 1.5.1

Maia 1.5.1 is out,


17 June 2019

      MAIA 1.5

Maia 1.5 has been released!

What's new:

Oscillator table is an exciting new feature of Maia 1.5 - providing a unique way to create continuously changing sequences, melodies or bass lines.

LED display on the step sequencer: shows the current position of the running steps.

• Step sequencer’s special mono mode.

• updated and enlarged factory patch bank

• minor bug fixes

Maia 1.5 is a free update.


27 March 2019

      Europa Retro Waves

And now for something completely different: we proudly present
Europa Retro Waves!



4 July 2018

     Maia has been released

Meet Maia, a synthesizer full of soul.



9 May 2018

      Luna 1.1 is out

We’ve been polishing our favourite synth in past few weeks. As a result, Luna 1.1 is now available.

We have also updated the user manual.



31 March 2018

      Luna Review by ReasonTalk

Explore what Luna has under its sleeve with Mike McKew: avery nice and detailed review of Luna, it's worth to check out!

Review of Luna


7 March 2018

      We are 15 years old now!

Reasonbanks was launched in March 2003.


PinkNoise Studio and ReasonTalk are happy to announce the PinkNoise Studio 15th Anniversary Luna Song Challenge.



26 January 2018

      Meet Luna...

We're proud to present our first Rack Extension: Luna



14 September 2017

      LAYERS has been released

Propellerhead Software released a new rack extension: Layers.

This RE is based on the sample content of Analogue Monsters 3. It's worth to check out - even if you are a happy Analogue Monsters user! :)

More info and download:



14 October 2016

   EPIK4 has been released

We're proud to present our latest refill: EPIK4 is out!

EPIK4 is a synth refill, based on the sounds of the KAWAI K4 synthesizer. It gives you the sounds of the 90s with a modern twist.



6 April 2016

   Essence version 1.2 is out!

Our most versatile refill has become even better.

What's new: processed drum loops!

- 150 carefully edited rex2 drum loops

- 20 Octo Rex patches

- some new Combi & NN-XT patches, minor enhancemnents on existing patches

Get it now, it's free for registered users!


2 December 2015

   Essence demo refill is out

ESSENCE is the most versatile and complex refill that we have ever created.
Now you can check out the demo versions:


Contents: 12 Combinators, 27 NN-XT patches and 1 demosong (Golden triangle), based on 200 MB samples. Download it now!


14 September 2015

   Video review of ESSENCE


28 July 2015

   ESSENCE is out!

PinkNoise Studio proudly presents ESSENCE.
Our aim was to create a general purpose refill library that is useful for anyone, whether they are beginners or professional musicians.

ESSENCE is the first refill that 100% compatible with both Reason Essential and Reason.


21 February 2014

   ORANGE4 has been released

We're proud to present: ORANGE4 is finally out!

ORANGE4 is a wavetable synth refill, based on the sounds of the famous Waldorf MicroWave Xtk synthesizer.

ORANGE3 and LEMON users can upgrade, for a special price please login and check the special offers page!

At the same time LEMON has been discontinued - R.I.P.



26 April 2013

   KLP2 has been released

Our brand new refill is out! KLP2 is a loop based melodic arpeggiator & bass sequence player for Reason 6.

KLP2 gives you a totally new inspiring way to mix, modify and tweak sequence runs on the fly.



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