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Cybervox refill demo: It's not possible to make a demo refill that demonstrates all features of Cybervox. But whatever, have fun!

    Download Cybervox demo refill   (zip format, 16 MB)

This demo contains 9 NN-XT (5 modulators and 4 FS1R patches) and 9 Combinator instruments. Reason v3 or higher version is required.

We recommend you to READ THE CYBERVOX USERS GUIDE! (Just scroll down.) Otherwise it might be that you will get confused ;-)



audio demo: Here are some patchdemo in mp3 format. Played and recorded live, there was no additional editing, so these demos show you how Cybervox will sound when you play on a midi keyboard - live.

playing with polymorph
playing with vpk-1
playing with VPRex
Space Aah demo



Cybervox users guide: I know, most of people hate reading manuals. Me too. But this time you can't get away with it, this is the manual that you MUST READ!

Without reading this users guide you will be lost, you won't understand at all, how Cybervox works. I do mean it!

    Download Cybervox users guide   (pdf format, 1640 kB)

    Download Human Voice list   (pdf format, 93 kB)



next:  order & price





  order & price

  some notes...
